Monday, September 30, 2019

Introduction To Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Engineering Essay

The planetary aircraft fabrication industry can be separated into two cardinal sections. Military and infinite application and civil or commercial aircraft. Commercial Aircraft comprises of little and big traveler aircrafts and even the lading aircrafts. The big aircraft fabrication is chiefly done by Boeing company of the United provinces of America and Airbus company of the European brotherhood. In the yesteryear, Boeing has been achieved success in taking over Martin Marietta and McDonnell Douglas, both had besides been in the industry of aircraft fabrication. Presently, the big aircraft fabrication industry is an oligopoly, dominated by Airbus and Boeing, which are in a ferocious competition against each other. There are other big makers besides, for illustration there is one in Russia but its consequences were irrelevant because its clients were limited to air hoses from Vietnam, Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union. The universe aircraft industry has gone under a really steady growing. Boeing estimates that the worldwide aircraft market would be deserving 5.4 trillion US dollars by 2024 to counterbalance a 5.2 % addition in world-wide air travel. It is estimated that 12,000 to 15,000 will be needed by 2020 to run into the turning demand. PESTLE AnalysisPoliticalLiberalization of travels between the European Union and the United States has resulted in demand of more aircrafts. The Aircraft Industry is a duopoly industry comprising of Airbus ( EU ) and Boeing ( US ) . If there are to be viewed from political consensus they are bipartisan political system. Anthony Downs proposed a authoritative theoretical account in the political scientific discipline that suits the state of affairs in the perfect manner. His proposal reversed the conservative connexion between party political orientations and elections. He said that alternatively of parties accomplishing triumph in the elections on the footing of the rightness of their docket, his findings give elections pre-eminence, with innuendo that all actions taken by the party are aimed at maximizing ballots. Harmonizing to Downes, both parties will seek to resemble each other every bit much as possible. Both parties will maintain their policies modestly different from each other. Besides bulk of electors merely want to see minor changes in authorities functionality. The Market of big and mid size aircrafts works on the same political orientation. There is an huge consensus among market participants to what an attractive merchandise comprises, that is, an economically efficient and safe aircraft. But there are besides some involvement cabals that have wagered in merchandise design, merely as there are much possible groups within a democratic system. A The Government of the United States and its Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) are considered to be influential as they look upon the largest air conveyance market in the universe. Regulations laid by the European and United states authorities will turn out to be a major drive force for orders of new aircraft in the coming old ages. In the similar manner, the deregulating of European air hoses, which begun in 1990 ‘s, promises to spread out the markets for smaller regional jets. Trade of big commercial jetliners has been tariff free under the understanding of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) . The high grade of political intercession has consequence on the purchase of aircraft. The determination of purchasers to purchase which aircraft depends on the political grounds because the support and intervention from the authorities could consequence the hereafter of purchasers. For Example, soon Boeing ‘s biggest market is China and is estimated to be for following twenty old ages. As a consequence China ‘s purchase of boeing aircrafts has led to batch of political influence in the United States.EconomicAir traffic in US and UK is likely to increase as they have merely recovered from the recession. The commercial aircraft is estimated to lift deserving US $ 2 trillion in the approaching 20 old ages, which will ensue into demand of 16,600 new aircrafts ( estimated ) . The largest demand is expected to come from air hoses from China, US and India. Huge sum of growing is expected from the Middle East states. It is expected that China entirely will necessitate 2,200 new a ircrafts to run into its travel demands. Besides, international cargo sector is estimated to turn by 253 % in the following 20 old ages. China being the biggest emerging market and sing its population size, the growing in air riders is likely to hit up which would ensue in increasing demand for new aircrafts. High Oil monetary values: looming oil monetary values have elevated the operating cost of air hoses. In the twelvemonth 2007, the world-wide air hose industry had to pay 136 billion US dollars for fuels, its a 300 % addition compared to what they had to pay in 2003. Even in 2008, when petroleum oil monetary values fell dramatically, it still accounted for 32 % of the operating disbursals. Global GDP- the primary factors in finding the demand of aircraft and growing in the industry is the GDP, which is expected to turn by 3.2 % by 2030 The planetary recession: The recession which impelled a theatrical bead in load factors in the center of 2008. In response, air hoses have been seting aircrafts out of service and rethinking programs to order replacing for the bing aircrafts. In the 3rd one-fourth of 2008 24 air hoses went bankrupt. The loses during this period were estimated about 4-8 billion US dollars. The recognition crunch: The recognition crunch in combination with the above mentioned factors, has made it difficult to buy new aircrafts, air hoses are happening troubles to finance new aircrafts. Despite of the recognition crunch, orders for concern and commercial jets have seen addition at the beginning of 2008, but the recognition crises has resulted in holds and recesss and failure to take bringing of many aircrafts.SocialRecent alterations in society have led to increase in air travel. Besides alterations in life manner of people and the point of view of air journey being a executable option. Demand of air travel is driven by convenience. However, the tendency is altering as the consumers travel determinations is chiefly based on monetary value. Rising cost and competition produced by low-priced bearers is impacting bulk of Airlines. Business travels, one time a stalls of income, now is a behavior by corporate travel guidelines. As a effect, air hoses are uniting their webs to use economic systems of graduated table, minimise environmental impact and offer smaller markets with new and improved services. The noise generated and CO2 emanation near the airdrome is besides a thing of higher concern as people populating near the airdrome are supercharging governments to alter thier operating manner.TechnologicalIn the commercial air power industry, there are immense sum of costs connected with Research and development for the development of a new aircraft. European Union authoritiess sustain European engineering R & A ; D sector, merely as the united provinces authorities does, though FAA, NASA, Department of Defence ( DOD ) and plans that reliefs export revenue enhancement. Though United provinces has three times more support than the European brotherhood. The Aircraft industry is really demanding with really high measure of clip and money dedicated to inventions and R & A ; D. Now a twenty-four hours ‘s C fibre is used for the building of an Aircraft organic structure. ( illustration: A350 XWB with 50 % C fiber organic structure ) Concentration on development on doing more fuel efficient engines for longer scopes. Use of alternate beginnings of fuel to antagonize raising oil monetary values The development of supersonic aircraft is besides a opportunity because it will take to creative activity of whole new market section. Commercial bearers will purchase these aircrafts to run into clients demand of making the finish rapidly and on clip. The largest and cost efficient promotion for commercial aircraft industry is the faster designing of planes. The augmented fabrication clip will salvage aircrafts makers clip on labour and assist them to break utilize resources. For Example: Boeing 777 used computing machine to plan a paradigm, this saved them the cost of constructing a existent paradigm. In today ‘s competitory universe, automatons are besides considered an effectual tool for the fabrication of aircraft.LegalThere are many limitations when it comes to come ining the market but due to globalization fortunes have changed and besides due to US unfastened skies understanding. Open skies understanding has led to smooth flow of national and international flights in and out of US, promoting Tourss and concern activities, bettering productiveness and creative activity of occupation chances and economic growing. United province ‘s unfastened skies policy has been proved really effectual in air hose globalisation. It enabled the air hose bearer ‘s limitless entree in the spouses market and right to travel to all center and beyond points. This understanding has offered the most operational flexibleness for air hose alliances. This understanding has been successful in accomplishing over 100 spouses from every portion of the universe and every degree of economic growing. Besides there is IATA ( International Air Transport Association ) . Its purpose is to supply aid to air hoses to diminish complexness of their procedure and increase rider convenience, diminishing costs and develop efficiency. The open uping simplifying the concern strategy is critical in this country. Furthermore, IATA ‘s primary precedence is safety and its purposes to continuously better safety criterions via IATA ‘s Operational safety audit ( IOSA ) .EnvironmentalEnvironment factors by and large include ecological facet of clime and conditions alteration, which in bend can act upon industries such as insurance, touristry and agriculture. Today, there is an consciousness of clime alteration in the heads of people, which is going a make up one's minding factor on how companies function and what are their offerings, because it can take to formation of a new market or devastation of the present market. ACARE is an European group of airdromes, eurocontrol, air hoses, makers, universities and members of EU and EU committee. Its primary challenges are – safety, sensible, quality, environment and security. Some of their aims are to cut down air accidents to 80 % , 15 minute less wait clip on airdromes for small distance finishs and 50 % less clip needed to market. One of most popular purpose of ACARE was to cut down specific CO2 discharge by 50 % , the discharge of NOx by 80 % , and to diminish the exterior noise of fixed wing aircraft by 10 dubniums per operation. For example- Boeing is a major component of the commercial air power industry. It is put to deathing some new programs to better its aircrafts environmental public presentation. Compared to show It besides claims that it will cut down its nursery gas emanations by 25 % by 2020. The intent of ACARE clearly reflects the demand of society, particularly in the country of security and stableness of environment. Besides, their purpose reflect the demands of aircraft operators, which are major driver for invention in engineering. The ACARE aims reflect demands which are demanded by society, peculiarly in the countries of environmental compatibility and security. On the other manus, the ACARE aims besides reflect the demands of aircraft operators, which are an of import driver for technological betterment. On the other manus, the mounting force per unit area from society sing emanations, noise around airdromes are impacting air hose operations. In add-on, with increasing force per unit area from society as a whole, every bit good as from local communities around airdromes, noise and local emanations have an impact on air hose operations.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

Nhat Nguyen Patrick Clayton Cantrell English 1010-051 23 October, 2012 Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† Speech Amidst the bigotry and racial violence of the Civil Rights Movement, there stood a shining example of brotherhood, unity, and an undying thirst for equality. In what was known as the March of Washington, an estimated total of 200,000 people of all races—observers estimated that 75–80% of the marchers were black and the rest were  white  and non-black minorities—took to the streets of Washington D.C. on August 28, 1963 in an effort to raise awareness of the ongoing racial injustice in the work field and in everyday life. It was on this momentous day that the great Martin Luther King Jr. , one of the most powerful and influential voices of the Civil Rights Movement, gave one of history’s most memorable speeches. His speech, later came to be known as the â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech, served to b ring into light the injustice experienced daily by the African American population of the United States.In his famous speech, King outlined the racial discrimination and social inequalities that inhabit the great country whose creed explicitly states â€Å"all men are created equal. † This constituted the main purpose of his speech: to encourage and empower the attendees and those at home to challenge the widespread discrimination and the status quo of the time. Bigotry had a stranglehold on all aspects of life during the Civil Rights era. From childhood, racial themes and motifs were embedded into the very being of the child. A plethora of consequences arose from this.Whites usually aged into adulthood with the belief that racial superiority belonged to them because of the color of their skin. Most African Americans, on the other hand, grew up with beliefs very much contradictory to those of their white counterparts. Many aged with the preconceived notion that racial inferio rity accompanied being black. Martin Luther King, in his speech, endeavored to end this narrow-minded approach to race by encouraging his audience to rise above what they once accepted as a social norm and be the light that would lead that generation out of blind hatred for their fellow an. He preached brotherhood and equality and electrified the crowd when he demanded the immediate realization of the â€Å"promises of democracy† (King). He galvanized the crowd to rebel from the dark, secluded â€Å"valley of segregation† and enter into the â€Å"sunlit path of racial justice† (King). He closed this portion of his speech by once again reiterating the importance of immediate action. He called for justice for all of mankind, be they black, white, or any other race.Besides the obvious fact that he was speaking to the audience present, King’s speech was meant for a much broader audience. Specifically, his speech was targeted at those who desired to continue t he economic and social oppression of African Americans. This could clearly be seen when King states, â€Å"And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual† (King). In this sentence, King concentrated his words against â€Å"those. â€Å"Those† are the people who continued to disregard African Americans as equals. King wanted to make it known that he and millions alike would not quit until justice was dealt and democracy rang through the land. In another explicit example, King talks directly to â€Å"those† again. â€Å"There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, ‘When will you be satisfied? ’† (King). He goes on to answer this question by saying that he and other civil rights activists will never be satisfied so long as injustice and discrimination remain a synonymous part of the United States’ culture.He ensured t he people whose intentions were to physically, mentally, and economically deter African Americans that America will not experience rest or tranquility until all black men, women, and children are granted their rights as citizens. The speech was as much a message to those oppressed as it was to the oppressors. Martin Luther King’s speech was well formatted with respect to harmony, with each prior point flowing harmoniously into the next. It was organized into two halves.The first half portrayed American society as a cesspool of intolerance, racism, and close-mindedness, and it also revealed the incongruence between the themes of the American Dream and the suffering of African Americans. In the first half of the speech, King called for action to alleviate these overriding themes in American society. In his â€Å"now is the time† paragraph, King emphasized to the audience that the time for action is now and rejected gradualism. In his â€Å"we can never be satisfied† paragraph, he set the conditions that must be met before he and others like him can rest.The second half of the speech depicted the dream of a fairer, more perfect union, free from the shackles of segregation and racial discord. In the most memorable part of the speech, Martin Luther King famously stopped reading from his written speech and began to speak earnestly of his â€Å"dream† concerning the future of America. In the part of the speech that became its namesake, King repeatedly bellows the phrase, â€Å"I have a dream† (King). In a brief 3-minute period, King gave one of history’s most beautiful pieces of rhetoric, summoning boisterous cheers from the masses of people.King concluded his masterpiece by articulating to the crowd his vision of a democratic America, emancipated from the chains of prejudice. His dream was that individuals from all corners of society—different in color, culture, and beliefs—could one day gather together in unit y with respect for one another. His comprehensive use of metaphors, imagery, and repetition served to persuade the audience to remain optimistic and faithful in the face of prejudice and despair. He appealed greatly to the crowd’s sense emotion and logic.He also masterfully used anaphora and allusions on several occasions in his moving speech. From under the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial, King fittingly began his speech alluding to Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address. He started by saying â€Å"five score years ago† (King). This assisted in setting the mood for the rest of the speech and was particularly poignant since King was speaking from the steps on the Lincoln Memorial. King also alluded to the Declaration of Independence when speaking of â€Å"the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This allusion powerfully reiterated America’s promise to all her people. There are several allusions to Biblical passages in the speech . Perhaps one of the most notable was when King warned the oppressors of civil rights that he and everyone who challenged discrimination will never surrender until â€Å"justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream† (King). This was reference to Amos 5:24. It appealed impressively to the audience’s emotions, stirring up shouts of â€Å"hallelujah† within the crowd. Metaphors were used throughout the speech to help emphasize and sometimes exaggerate the ppression experienced by the African American population during that era. King frequently compared discrimination to a desolate valley and the path to racial justice as a â€Å"sunlit† one. He would often describe oppression as a searing heat to intensify the pain that it caused. He described African Americans’ poor economic position as a â€Å"lonely island of prosperity  in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity† (King). This helped accentuate the situat ion that African Americans were in. King incorporated anaphora and repetition in his speech in order to stress the importance of key themes.One of the lesser known anaphora used was King’s repetition of â€Å"one hundred years later† (King). Here, King referred to the fact that 100 years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, his people are still hampered by the weight of inequality. He repeated the phrase â€Å"now is the time† (King) in an attempt to inspire the audience to act immediately and to demand change that instance. The most famous and most often cited anaphora used was the repetition of the phrase â€Å"I have a dream† (King) In that passage King revealed his vision of a better tomorrow for America.He stated that even though he faces difficulties, he still maintained that dream. This helped to strengthen this portion of his speech tremendously. On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave one of history’s most beauti fully executed pieces of rhetoric. The language incorporated in the speech helped convey King’s message to America: challenge discrimination and the status quo and strive for an equal society. This will live on as one of King’s greatest contributions to the advancement of civil rights. Today, it remains a significant part of King’s legacy.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

African Trypanosomiasis Sleeping Sickness Biology Essay

African Trypanosomiasis Sleeping Sickness Biology Essay African trypanosomiasis also known as â€Å"sleeping sickness† is a wide spread parasitic disease (disease caused by organism that lives in or on another from which it obtains nourishment) that can be fatal if not treated. It is estimated by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that it has 450 000 cases each year, however in the past there have epidemics (a rapid spread or increase) such as between 1896 and 1906 where it is believed that 300 000 to 500 000 died from the disease. [1] African trypanosomiasis is common in the sub-Saharan region near rivers, lakes, in gallery forests and in Savannahs where the large brown tsetse flies are present. It occurs in these remote rural areas because the health systems are weak and because most of these areas depend on agriculture, fishing, animal husbandry or hunting so they are exposed to the tsetse flies. [2]The disease has been present in Africa for a minimum of 14 centuries with millions of people being affected by it. As you can see below (in figure 1) the distribution of trypanosomiasis in Africa comprises currently an area of 8 million km2 between 14 degrees North and 20 degrees South latitude. tryp_map.gif [Fig. 1] Distribution of human African trypanosomiasis. endemicity endemicity risk of the disease   As well as African trypanosomiasis also occurs in South America it is called the American trypanosomiasis or the Chagas disease however the organism causing that disease is different to the Tsetse flies. African trypanosomiasis is however more common than the South American version and it is estimated that around 50,000 to 70,000 people are currently infected with it and around 48,000 people died from it in 2008. [3] If, like most diseases, Afric an Trypanosomiasis is diagnosed early there is a high chance of survival. There are no effective vaccines, and the drugs used to treat this disease are often toxic and usually have many side effects. Untreated cases have a 100 percent  mortality rate. [4] The extent of African Trypanosomiasis is shown more clearly when compared to other diseases and during epidemic periods prevalence reached 50% in several villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and Southern Sudan. Sleeping sickness was the first or second greatest cause of mortality in those communities, ahead of even HIV/AIDS. [5] There are two types of African trypanosomiasis which are common in humans. The first of the two sub species is trypanosomiasis brucei gambiense which causes a slow chronic trypanosomiasis in humans. This mostly occurs in central and western Africa, where humans are thought to be the primary target. The second is T. brucei rhodesiense and this causes a rapid onset of trypanosomiasis in huma ns and this is most common in southern and eastern Africa, where animals are the primary target. Tsetse flies are large flies which can be easily misinterpreted for a housefly but can be distinguished by various characteristics. These flies cause human sleeping sickness and animal trypanosomiasis (or nagana) as well as other diseases and its estimated it kills around 250,000 to 300,000 people a year. Tsetse flies are multivoltine (they have more than 2 generations per year) and there are 23 species of this fly existent today. Tsetse flies include all the species in the genus Glossina, which are generally placed in their own family, the Glossinidae. [6]

Friday, September 27, 2019

Specific Teaching Methods - Reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Specific Teaching Methods - Reading - Essay Example Partner reading may involve utilizing one peer of a higher ability grouping than another. However, the students can be of the same reading level and still obtain great benefit to this reading strategy. The quality of the feedback given through partner reading provides the students with the opportunity to improve the quality of their reading. Not only do students get the chance to practice reading aloud, they also get the added benefit of listening to the reading of another individual. Therefore, if the partner is of a higher ability then the less fluent reader would have a model from which to follow. The student with less ability then can critique the higher ability student and state where improvement is needed based on a given fluent reading criteria. A third strategy to build reading fluency in students is sustained silent reading (SSR). Sustained silent reading (SSR) refers to the reading of material for an uninterrupted period of time without reading aloud. Thus, one is required to read in one’s mind. The teacher may establish a specific time during the school day for all students and teacher to participate in this activity. Researchers have concluded that SSR with guidance and feedback assists students in reading fluently and consequently in their comprehension skills. SSR allows the student to obtain practice in reading material that is appropriate for the student’s reading level thereby improving the confidence and desire for the student to read. Another strategy that boosts students’ confidence is the reader’s theatre. For the reader’s theatre understanding of the text rather than simply recall of the words is important. Advocates of this strategy assert that students should be given a copy of the text. The teacher should read the text aloud then allow students to read the material several times through echo reading or choral reading. Finally, the teacher

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Report on current strategic marketing plan for Sonic Drive Ins Assignment

Report on current strategic marketing plan for Sonic Drive Ins - Assignment Example The company also aims at increasing its revenues and market share as it becomes the preferred destination for fast drive in restaurant. Sonics drive in style of service as well as the unique menu and orders delivered by Carhop makes it highly differentiated and preferred in the quick service restaurant industry. Moreover, the unique signature menu items made when one orders like six inch premium beef hot dogs, foot long quarter pounds Coney’s and chicken sandwiches makes it competitive (SONICÃÆ'‚ ® Drive-In, n.d.). The company also derives its strength from the fresh made onion rings, tater totes and over a million drink choices. The variety of foods and drinks offered gives customers a wide range to choose from. Sonics customers also enjoy the drive-thru services and patio dining at most of their locations. The company’s also brags of continued increase in the financial performance amidst expansion plans adopted in 2013. In 2013, the company noted an increase of 2.3% in sales of system-wide same store, a 60$ basis point improvement in drive-in level margins and a 20% rise in the earning per share on an adjusted basis (SONICÃÆ'‚ ® Drive-In, n.d.). Good financial performance has made the company remain competitive in the industry. Finally, the company boasts of their innovative products, friendly service and their ability to engage with the customers through effective advertising and better media effectiveness which increased sales. Other areas that makes the company competitive is the focus made on healthier options with the introduction of freshly brewed diet green tea and premium chicken sandwich and egg burritos (Panczel, 2010). The company has a marketing function charged with the role of creating awareness of the company’s products. Currently the department runs a â€Å"Two guys† creative campaign geared at reaching the greatest number of customers through advertising. The company has a central

Corporate Social Responsibility Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Coursework Example Corporate social responsibility can be broadly defined in terms of the responsiveness of businesses to stakeholders’ legal, ethical, social and environmental expectations (UNIDO, 2002). Stakeholders are people and group of people who are directly or indirectly impacted by the business. CSR underpins the principles of Coca-Cola and all its priorities and operations conform within its CSR approach. For example, it had supplied drinking water to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey (CSR Report, 2011). CSR codes refer to the international standards of CSR practices implemented in the workplace vis-Ã  -vis social and environmental responsibilities of the business.Sustainable development can be described as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (iisd, 2013). Coca-Cola is highly sensitive to the environment and takes serious measures to reduce carbon footprint and uses recycled goods to promo te conservation and preservation of the environment. It encourages environment-related activities within its companies and the community where it is operating. It has promoted rainwater harvesting in Kazakhstan and significantly reduced energy consumption in its Turkey operations. It has also adopted sustainability management approach whereby it ensures conservation of natural resources like water, land and clean air. Sustainability is defined as a process which helps to save resources for the future.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International Business - Assignment Example Currently, Coca Cola faces competition from other soft drink producers that is not all that substantial but the threat from substitute products is growing. These are only but a few o the challenges that the company may have to face – both now and in the future. The soft drink industry may be strong for now but this does not mean the consumers will remain marred to it. Coca Cola should pursue a strategy that will reduce the overall cost of its products. This strategy will give Coca Cola a much competitive advantage over its rivals who have already adapted methods of lowering the cost of their products. This is one of the many recommendations that the company should adopt if it has to enjoy continued success in the international market. International Business is the terminology that generally describes the business activities that occur across the boundaries of countries for both profit making and political reasons (Daniels & Radebaugh, 2007). This article will explore one such company doing business internationally namely the Coca Cola company, and identify a few significant issues related to its international operations. Coca Cola, which is the symbolic American soda company, is among the companies that have operated internationally for a lengthy time period, having first gone international in the year 1902. It is currently a market leader in terms of soft drinks sales worldwide given that its products sell up to one and a half billion servings on a daily basis. The company can also boast of having the world’s largest production, distribution and marketing system of syrup and non-alcoholic beverage which is in fact double in size of its nearest competitor. For numerous reasons, the Coca Cola Company holds the belief that it will maintain its international growth. Among these reasons are its rising disposable income and the global

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analyse & assess how hobbes & locke's views differ on the state of Essay

Analyse & assess how hobbes & locke's views differ on the state of nature, the social contract, and the system of government. To what extent was each philosophe - Essay Example â€Å"The ‘State of Nature’ is a term in political philosophy used in social contract theories to describe the hypothetical condition of humanity before the state’s foundation and its monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force.† (Wikipedia, 2006). In simpler words it is the condition before the rule of positive law comes into being or a way to discuss the conditions of society and government. Thinkers during the 17th and 18th century believed that whatever good things one had in the state of nature should not be lost when one entered into society. They evaluated the governments based on this condition. Locke believed that in the state of nature men mostly kept their promises. American frontier is an example of people in the state of nature, where property rights and (for the most part) peace existed (James, n.d.). He believed that the state of nature was good. People are in a state of nature when it is socially acceptable to punish for wrongdoings done against you. Hence, if the government could not do as much for people as they did for themselves in the state of nature, the government could be invalidated. Hobbes’ idea of the state of nature concern power and security and not the moral obligations. He believed that in state of nature people could behave badly towards each other. He compared the English Revolution to the ‘state of nature’, which was brutal. He had a very negative view of the Revolution and this convinced him that kingship was essential. Hobbes opposed Locke’s view that people will generally follow the law of nature because they are naturally rational and not given to constant war. Locke believed that government should be from the people and that it should be limited so as not to violate the natural rights of people. â€Å"Locke states that the entire population has the right to punish an offender so that he will not commit the crime again and so that others will be deterred from moral law breaking.† (Wikipedia, 2006).

Monday, September 23, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12

ART - Essay Example It is usually ornamental, emphasized pointed arches, flying buttresses, and elaborates tracery. An example of this art is the adoration of the Magi from Strasbourg Cathedral. International Gothic followed in the year c.1375 and c. 1425. This style of painting, sculpture, and decorating arts brought a change in the style of figures and their compositions. In this period, most arts represented some animals in a statue pose and had a better facial expression. Their sizes were smaller and arranged more freely to fit the available space. Some figure appeared elongated and with sensuous qualities. The paintings were distinct from the former period from their elegance, delicate nature, and were natural. An example includes Simon Martini’s piece in the period between 1285 and 1344. Neo Gothic art is the latest form with the earliest pieces coming in the 1980s. The style emphasized on bizarre, sex, obscene, mysteries, horror, and some form of confusion. It explores the world of fantasy. The art is common in Canada, Europe, Japan, Russia, and US. Charles Alexander Moffat is the man behind this evolution of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Essay Example for Free

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Online Shopping Essay Many people enjoy the convenience of shopping online. You can buy everything you need without having to leave the comfort of home. Most grocery and retail stores have created Web sites that feature their products for sale. But when is online shopping a good deal, and when should it be avoided? Here are some of the benefits of online shopping: Parents of small children may find online shopping appealing. The kids can feel free to run around the house and create havoc without the worry of annoying fellow customers. Even if your children are well behaved it can still be time consuming getting everyone ready to go to the store. Keeping children out of the store, and even your spouse, in some cases may prove to be money saving as well. You wont have everyone begging you to buy extra grocery items not on your list. Online shopping can sometimes fetch you a great buy. Some stores will advertise specials which can only be obtained by shopping online. For more expensive items like electronics you can typically expect to find online discounts of $50 or more compared to the price in store. Sometimes you may be able to find coupon codes which can be used at  an online store to get a percent off the total amount of purchase. You can shop online on your own time. Most stores are not open 24 hours a day/7 days a week, meaning that if you want to shop in their stores, you will have to shop within a limited time frame. However if you decide to skip the visit to the store and shop online you can shop any time of day that you wish. Another benefit of online shopping applies to gifts for people out of state. You can buy gifts online and have them shipped straight to the recipient. By doing this you save the headache of having to wrap, pack, and ship the gifts out yourself. In some cases, stores will wrap the gift for you as well as include a special message. Sometimes stores will advertise free shipping offers which would make buying gifts online for out of state families and friends even more beneficial. Taking advantage of these offers means that you wont have to pay to have the item shipped. By avoiding shipping the item yourself, and taking advantage of free shipping offers, you can save money on the purchase of packing supplies. Shopping onlin e makes it easier to find unique and one of a kind gifts that you will not find in your local department stores. There are many online store websites dedicated to that special item you are looking for. Websites such as Ebay allow you to bid for or purchase products that are hard to find. Sites like Ebay can also help you to find great deals. Ebay users can bid on items of interest or use the buy it now option. By bidding on items on sites like Ebay you may be able to purchase your desired item at a discounted price. Some sellers on Ebay will even combine shipping or offer free shipping of your products, saving you even more. You may be able to purchase items online that are not available or are sold out in stores. If a product you want is not stocked on the store shelves, there is a chance that you will be able to purchase it online. Now that you know of the many benefits of online shopping, we will discuss the disadvantages of online shopping: Buying groceries online may save you time, but it can prove costly. By shopping online you can miss out on great deals that can be obtained with coupons . Grocery stores that allow you to order online will typically charge you a pick up or delivery fee for shopping online as well. You may also find that you have to spend a minimum amount of money in order to have your groceries delivered. One online grocery store that I know of will not deliver unless you order at $150 worth of groceries. Another disadvantage of online grocery shopping is that you  will be unable to pick out the produce or meat products yourself, which can lead to disappointment. Shopping online can also add on extra cost to your product by having to pay for shipping. If you are buying a product for yourself or as a gift to local friends and family, it may prove to be wiser to make the purchase in store instead to avoid extra cost. When shopping online you have to wait to receive your products, whereas shopping in store means you can get your product right away. If the product is an item you are dying to have and cannot be found online for a significantly cheaper pri ce, then you may want to make your purchase in store instead. You wont be able to compare products in person. Sure many online store websites have a feature which allows customer to rate products which may prove to be helpful. However what works for one person doesnt necessarily work for another. Some people who fill out online reviews for products can be deceitful as well to trick customers into purchasing or not purchasing a product. When it comes to comparing products, such as cameras and televisions, its always best to make comparisons in the store. If the store is running a good deal then you can make your purchase in store since you are already there. Returning or exchanging items bought online can be more difficult than making a return or exchange of products youve purchased in a store. Some stores will allow you to make returns and exchanges of products youve bought online through their website, though others may not. Stores that only do business online will require you to repack and ship the item back to them to receive a refund or exchange. Some online stores may not reimburse you the cost of shipping meaning you will have to spend money out of your own pocket just to make the return. Always read the return policies of the online stores website to know what to expect. When shopping online for a product you should do a price comparison between several online stores to find the best deal. Always make sure to print out a copy of your receipt and/or write down the confirmation number for your purchase. You can also keep a copy of your e-mail receipt for a quick reference. Always read an online stores shipping and return policies to better understand how they work. Search online for codes which can save you money on shipping, fetch you free gifts with purchase, or can discount the price of a product. Always be careful when sharing your credit card information online. Secure websites should display a lock symbol at the bottom of the page. Do any research that  you can for online stores that are not well known. Shopping online can either cost you extra money or save you money. Make sure to do your homework when considering shopping online to find the best deals.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bateel Marketing Analysis

Bateel Marketing Analysis I. Current Marketing Situation Company Background Now a world-class brand in the premium confectionery industry, Bateel started with a simple concept, offering a unique range of high quality products to a well-defined market segment in an upscale and elegant retail environment. The concept was also unique, offering a selection of products not available from any other source. Bateels strong appeal to consumers in various target market segments is based on our strategy and ability to consistently develop and produce the highest quality products and maintain an innovative merchandising and distribution system. Bateels success is anchored on a strong production and marketing organization, which is vertically integrated and includes farming, processing, manufacturing, and premium retailing functions. Bateel now specializes in the production and distribution of a complete range of dates, and date and non-date gourmet confectioneries. The company is headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with a regional office in Dubai, UAE and employs over three hundred people.[1] Company Products There are mainly four 4 product lines that are produced by the company, and they are: 1. Dates Bateel offers more than 20 varieties of high quality dates including famed Naboot Seif, Sokari, Kholas, Sekki and Khidri. Most of these date varieties are available in fresh, Rhutab and the traditional Maknooz recipe. 2. Chocolates That includes, Date Chocolates, Pralines Truffles, Bateel Wrapped Chocolates, Sugar Free, Figure Chocolates. 3. Pastries That is pastries and biscuits, Each is made with high quality Bateel dates, in addition to other ingredients, pastries are made from fresh natural ingredients and do not contain preservatives or artificial dough conditioners. All pastry items are baked by Bateel under strict, quality controlled conditions and are kept refrigerated until they are sold. 4. Other gourmet products Bateel dates and chocolates are complemented by an exclusive selection of date and non-date specialties, such as date bars, sparkling date juice drink, Turkish delight and other delicacies. These delicacies are made from the finest natural ingredients, free of preservatives, with recipes designed to satisfy the most demanding connoisseurs. Other products are: Date Jam, Sparkling Date Drink, Fruit Cake, Date Bar, Turkish Delight, Marrons Glaces, Date Dhibs, Date Dhibs Syrup, Honey, Apricot, Fig, Date Honey Fig Roll, Date Cantucci, Date Panforte, Date and Walnut Cake, Fig and Walnut Nougat, Nougat Bar, Clementine au Chocolate, Bonbons, Date Calisson, Pate de Fruit, Premium Italian Coffees Condiments, Olive Oil, Date Balsamic Vinegar and Nuts. 5. Pre-packed specialties Those are the Bateel selective product packed as gifts. Company Branches The company has many branches in different countries as follows: Africa with one branch: Sudan with one branch. Asia with eight branches: India with two branches. Indonesia with one branch. Malaysia with two branches Pakistan with three branches. Europe with total of two branches: Azerbaijan with one branch United Kingdom with one branch. Middle East with twenty two branches as follows: UAE with eight branches in Dubai and 3 branches in Abu Dhabi. Jordan with one branch Qatar with one branch Oman with one branch Bahrain with two branches Kuwait with two branches Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with 4 branches. Product lines allocation as per the BCG matrix: Product lines BCG allocation analysis: Dates: Allocating Dates between Star and Cash cow is due to that Bateel is well known for dates, as they are as well high in demand comparing to other product at Bateel and due to the business is typically specialized in producing dates with different flavors and fillings, moreover, the product is not new in market and the people are already aware of it and demand it, therefore it has a high market share and growth. Chocolates: In Bateel chocolates have low market share besides that they have well known competitors in this product line who are much specialized in chocolate products therefore they tend to be in low demand at Bateel. On the other hand chocolate is considered to be a growing market as reported by [3]AC Nielsons Retail Audit estimate the UAE chocolate market at AED 546 million with a growth of 27% by value and 14% by volume MENAFN Press-08/10/2008. In addition to some companies are being keen to produce chocolate out of camel milk with high quality after a recent study the reveals that the chocolate market in the UAE is strong with 98% of respondents claiming to consume chocolate at least once a week [4]29 October 2008. Pastries: Dates Pastries at Bateel are not much known and people are not much aware of it unlike other well known non dates pastries producers, hence, they are to be in low demand at Beteel and low market share due to that they are not given enough attention by Bateel in terms of marketing and advertisement. On the other hand On average, daily consumption of dates per capita was 114.3 g, equivalent to 10 date fruits. However, it was noted that the younger population does not consume dates as much as the older population does. Nevertheless, surveys showed the significance of dates in the UAE nations diet considering the relatively high average consumption of dates per capita. Copyright  © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry[5]. And due to that reason Dates in Bateel is ranked as first product chosen by consumers furthermore that can be used as strong impulse to enhance the production of Dates pastries. Other gourmet products: Basically recently there are many specialties stores specialized in gourmet products such as [6]â€Å"Gourmet Station† that is considered to be the largest store in UAE in producing unique unlimited gourmet products unlike other small specialty stores that have limited Dates gourmet products like Bateel which in contrast can be an advantage as its considered to be healthier in ingredients. Product line chosen: Our product line chosen is Pastries, which includes Date â€Å"biscuits† and Date â€Å"cookies†. Why pastries? The reason behind selecting this product line is that dates are healthy in the first place especially for kids, low in cost, high in nutrition, available most of the years, would be preferred for parents and adults to serve it to kids instead of other type of sweets, freshly and creative baked dates pastries are always preferred particularly for banquets and weddings mainly for adults and old aged consumers though it was noted that the younger population does not consume dates as much as the older population does[7]. On the hand, there arent any competitors who are â€Å"specialized† in producing â€Å"Dates Pastries† unlike Bateel, as there isnt much who is creative and innovative in dates pastries. Moreover, it requires little investment due to the main raw material â€Å"Dates† apart from other ingredients is low in cost and available most of the year. Target Market: The target market are adults, males and females aged 18 and above, all social statuses, all nationalities and religion, residents and visitors from all over the UAE those of income AED 3000-AED 6000 annually and who are able to pay for high quality dates products, assorted and professionally and elegantly packed and arranged for purchase and sell to targeted customers for their special occasions and events. II. Macro Environmental Factors and Opportunity and Issue Analysis Macro environment comprises of a number of forces that an organization cannot control. These factors affect the efficiency of an organization, its decision making process and its performance. These are considered to be external forces such as economy (GDP per capita, inventory levels, economic growth, inflation rate, unemployment rate etc.), social cultural factors (demographic factors religion, age, income level, and attitude of consumers and cultural structures), natural factors (hurricanes, flood etc.) and competitive factor. The macro environmental factors are of grave importance to the UAE market as confectionary market adds maximum to the food exports of UAE. Since the market is considered to be among the top 10 largest markets in the world, environmental changes need to be studied so as to predict future changes in the environment as the analysis of the threats and opportunities helps the organization to be at par with the changing scenario. The main factors affecting the org anization at macro level are Economic Factors There are a number of scenarios which are observed in an economy such as prosperity, depression, recession and recovery. In an era of prosperity, the GDP of a country increases making its standard of living high pushing it on the road to success. The economy of the UAE is very strong mainly because of its oil reserves but it has over the years added to its agriculture which adds about 3 % to the GDP of the nation. It has become self sufficient in matters of food. The sweet and confectionary markets are expanding at a larger pace. The inflow of large number of tourists has also added to the economy and has supported sweet producing corporations. The governmental policies regarding emiratisation have supported local citizens in getting jobs. The higher education undertaken by young lads has added to the economy of the nation. (Economy) Social Cultural Factors Society acts as an important factor to the success of an organization. It is vital for the organizations to figure out the needs of the customers, their attitude towards the product produced by the organization. A strong ethnic behavior prevails in UAE symbolizing its tradition which does not provide freedom to the various sectors of society as might be in other European or American nations. Thus, an organization working in such a scenario needs to keep in mind the ideals of its fellow citizens as any act which discriminates or humiliates their feelings could lead to an outrage in the people. UAE has one of the largest immigration rates in the world because of the incapability of its local people to work with modern ware fares which are carried out by expatriates mainly from the subcontinents. The fast growing population does act as driving force for the industries as it adds to the strength of the man power of the region. Natural Factor A company is posed by natural forces depending on the locations it operates. Such a situation if experienced does lead to loss of life and property and loss from such a calamity is an inevitable experience. The two most common ways to react to a change in environment are reactive and proactive response. The optimization of the Marketing Mix helps in the reactive response. One of the 4 Ps i.e., places where the product is sold by an organization also called distribution channel both physical and virtual could be optimized to prevent the extent of loss. Most of the companies promote the go-green concept to attract consumers as the urge to make Dubai green had been the top priority in 2008. Since then UAE has always advocated to promote sustainable development. Competitive Factor It forms the basis of survival of an organization and fall of another in a market. An organization that understands the needs of its customers more precisely and changes in accordance to the dynamic change in the scenario overpowers and outshines in the market. The analysis of competition is an important strategic tool which helps an organization aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the other companies in its market. Since, the home confectionary market is showing a high growth rate, it attracts various companies into the market to sell their product. Thus, it becomes very important for the various companies in the field to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of other companies to remain at par with them. The greater the competition, the more alternatives it provides to the customers. Thus, it becomes main priority of the companies to hold their customers by providing them special offers and something extra from others in the same business. (Chapter 3 class notes) SWOT Analysis It has four tools to strategically plan a business venture. The four tools are to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threat in any business to make it a success. Every SWOT analysis has an end result or objective such as in this case it is to help the premium confectionery industry, Bateel become global leaders. Strengths The company specializes in the production and distribution of complete range of dates and it has a high market share and growth in dates as per the BCG matrix in UAE. It produces 20 different varieties of dates which are exported to US adding to their strong market position. The presence of stores in various countries, majority of 22 in UAE adds to its distinctive growth in the confectionary market. The own a lot of farms which use extensive high quality machinery to grow and furnish dates. Such a vast capital and being the oldest of its kind creates a strong public image which is a boon for the organization. (UAE Confectionery) Weaknesses The chocolates, pastries and non date products are growing fast in market i.e., they have a fast growth rate in comparison to the date products but these products add to less that 20% of the share in the markets. The chocolates and pastries are neither much known nor are preferred. The company has large number of stores in UAE but lacks to provide the same performance when compared with the world. On exceeding the boundaries of Arab countries and some of the sub continents, no one seems to recognize the company. It has only 2 branches in Europe and none in American continent. The further growth of company will restricted if it fails to explore the rest of Europe and America. Opportunities The company can advance in the chocolate and pastries selling by increasing their market share and by using better promotional strategies. Since, Bateel strives to provide pastries with date; the pastries offer better nutritional value at reduced prices than contemporary chocolates, yet delicious adding to the benefit it provides and its good image in the markets. Company can take appropriate action according to its state in BCG matrix. The date products can be sold to all people in various ages from children to old. The date products are popular in children because of their sweetness but it needs to take into account the people above 18 yrs. The dates being the most natural of all products increase its demand and hence provide opportunity to explore. Threats The small market share of the company in the chocolate, pastries and non date products seems to threaten its position in the market. To sustain in the market, it needs to explore a way to exceed its boundaries and shell of date products. The presence of better companies in these products also does not complement its growth. Since the growth rate of pastries is higher than date products, it poses a serious concern in front of the company to take serious actions. Considering the environmental factors, pest infestation is the greatest threat to the date industries in UAE which is rising by 2 percent consistently. Such a plague could cripple the strong hold of the industry. (Date Palm Research and Development Program) References Economy (n.d.) Retrieved on March 15, 2010 from Date Palm Research and Development program (n.d.) Retrieved on March 15, 2010 from Chapter 3 Class notes (n.d.) Retrieved on March 15, 2010 from UAE Confectionery (n.d.) Retrieved on March 15, 2010 from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis of Letter from Birmingham by Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

Analysis of Letter from Birmingham by Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr., is one of the most recognized, if not the greatest civil rights activist in this century. He has written papers and given speeches on the civil rights movement, but one piece stands out as one of his best writings. â€Å"Letter from Birmingham† was an intriguing letter written by King in jail in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. He was responding to a letter written by eight Alabama Clergyman that was published in a Birmingham Alabama newspaper in 1963 regarding the demonstrations that were occurring to stop segregation. The intended audience for this letter was of course the eight clergymen, but he also had a wider audience in mind because instead of sending each individual man a letter he had it published in the local newspaper. In his letter, King starts by addressing the clergyman with â€Å"My Dear Fellow Clergyman† as if to put the men at ease and keep them open-minded. In the first paragraph King states that he does not usually respond to such correspondence, but compliments them by saying that since they are genuinely good men, then he would respond to their criticisms by writing this letter. In the second paragraph, he addresses the â€Å"outsider† issue. In the letter written by the clergyman they say (like it was something new), that they were now facing demonstrations led by outsiders (King). King wants them to know that he is not really an outsider but the president of The Southe...

The Death Of The Virgin :: essays research papers

Death of the Virgin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Michelangelo Merisi was born in Caravaggio, Italy in 1573. He grew up to be known by the name of his birthplace, Caravaggio, and as an artist. He was probably the most revolutionary artist of his time, breaking the rules of previous artists. Carvaggio had spent his childhood in the presence of art, living with a painter for four years before moving to Rome to work as an assistant to other painters. In about 1595, he began to sell his paintings through a dealer, who brought him to the attention of the Cardinal. At the age of 24, he was called upon by the Cardinal Francesco del Monte to paint for a church. He was criticized a lot for the realistic and dramatic nature of his works. Despite the criticism, he was a recognized, and eventually envied painter. While in Rome, he was imprisoned for several assaults. He fled the city and eventually ended up in Naples in about 1607. Here, he painted for a while. During this period, his paintings were dark and urgent, reflecting his feelings at the time. He left and continued to stay undercover for two more years before being arrested and dying not long thereafter. During this period, however, his paintings were among the best of his career. Caravaggio’s Death of the Virgin was painted in 1605-1606, in France, probably on his run to Naples.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Death of the Virgin requires some background information to fully understand the meaning of the painting. The Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ has a special place of devotion especially in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches and is considered a historical work, to these and other religions. Caravaggio was not influenced much by other painters. He was making up his own style of painting. A critic of the age, Giovanni Pietro Bellori wrote: â€Å"Caravaggio deserves great praise, as he was the only one who attempted to imitate the nature as opposed to the general trend in which painters imitated other painters.† Another critic said that he had â€Å"abandoned beauty and was interested in depicting reality.† While one may suspect that other artists of the age would have avoided this new realism, many actually borrowed it unconsciously. This particular painting was refused as an altarpiece for Santa Maria della Scala in Rome becaus e of the way the Virgin is represented, her body swollen, limp limbs, and her feet uncovered.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Judgment and Superficiality Essay -- Shakespeare Beauty Shallow Essays

Judgment and Superficiality Beauty is only skin deep Beauty is in the eye of the beholder   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Beauty is only skin deep† and â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder† can be very controversial quotes to some people. Those quotes are all based on how they are viewed by other people. You may not believe in them but others might believe strongly in them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, â€Å"Beauty is only skin deep† all depends on what type of person you are. Both quotes rate directly to each other but let’s pull them apart separately. I think that ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ is expressed in many ways by people. If you are not one of those beautiful people in this world then to some people you mean nothing. When you look around a normal school you see clicks right? Well that’s what I am talking about. You see the people who express them selves by wearing darker clothes, and the people who always wear the trendy and instyle clothes. Sometimes you get jealous and say mean things because either you wished you looked like them or you want the things they have. But we were all created differently. You have to like yourself first for anyone else to like you. Relating to ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ means that people only look at what’s inside that counts. Some people believe at love at first s ight, what is all that about? That means they like the person just from seeing them. So many people in this world can relate. People judge people. You look around and think by the clothes or hairstyle this girl wears that she can either not afford them or chooses to be that way. So you think she is poor. Doesn’t she deserve your attention too? I think that beauty is over rated. People need to look at your mind, your intelligence. Coming from a world where I get compliments a lot, saying that I am pretty I know what its like. I am not trying to be conceited but it’s just the truth. Being pretty is not all it’s cracked up to be. Since being pretty has got me a lot of compliments it also brings in the bad sides of things. Ultimately girls think that I am stuck up and a rich snob, If they knew me or got to know me they would hopefully think differently of me. They also think that since I am pretty that their boyfriends will like me and leave them or something, cause they get really jealous. I do not know why this is but they think I am a boyfriend stealer. When I am only interested in those limited ... ...her for other reasons.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Then Shakespeare also expresses in Act 3, Scene 1, when Titania wakes up and she falls in love in love with Nick Bottom the weaver. This shows that belief of ‘Beauty is only skin deep’ is irrelevant to that particular scene. Titania immediately falls head over heels for the boy and she chases him with every word. She sends her fairies to wait on him hand and foot to show her affection. Without even knowing him Titania wants him because of the evil spell the King of the fairies puts her under. He wants to embarrass her with something he knows will work, this shows that they know of the fact of love at first sight. Love at first sight is a saying people use on first opinions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Why must people be so harsh and mute to the fact that the world is judge mental? I think that everyone knows that everyone else judges’ people they just do not want to admit anything or be wrong. Everyone one is so self involved at one time in another they do not stop and think what other people are feeling. These quotes do not just affect people but the feelings inside people. Next time you say that he/she is hot, think how immoral you are being to yourself and others.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A System of Profound Knowledge

In respect to quality of materials, there are three well known philosophers whom are most referenced: W. Edwards Deming, Philip B. Crosby, and Joseph M. Juran. Throughout the twentieth century, these three men have continuously integrated new systems for improvement in the quality system. The first and probably most well known of these philosophers is W. Edwards Deming. Deming first came into the public eye when he was credited with assisting the Japanese after World War II and helping to elevate the Japanese industry into the forefront of world industry. Deming stresses that the most important part of quality is the role of management. Deming also emphasizes on achieving long term goals through cultural transformation rather then short term needs. Deming†s findings can be viewed best through his â€Å"System of Profound Knowledge,† and his â€Å"14 Points of Management.† While Deming was continually expanding his research, Philip B. Crosby entered the forefront of quality in the 1970†³s. Crosby has been a consulter as well as a trainer for many leaders in the manufacturing industries. Like Deming, Crosby also has a â€Å"14-Step Pan for Quality Improvement.† Crosby†s main focus is first evaluate the quality system and make improvements on the current system. Another of Crosby†s main concerns is defects. Crosby emphasizes that the performance standard should be â€Å"zero defects.† The most recent of the philosophers is Joseph M. Juran. In the late 1980†³s Juran founded an institute to consult and train management in quality. In addition to Deming, Juran also visited Japan to assist their industry at the end of World War II. Juran†s most famous theory of quality is his â€Å"quality trilogy,† which focuses on planning, control and improvement of the quality system. Although Deming, Crosby, and Juran have never collaborated on their work, many similarities are apart in their beliefs. For example, all three men stress the importance of the management system. Also, they have created step-by-step processes by which industries should follow in order to prove the quality of their products. Another important point which is shared by all three men is that quality should be viewed as an entity. Regardless to the fact that all three have based their lives on the ambitious goal of developing a system to improve quality, there are several key differences exist amidst these three quality experts. First and foremost is their definition of quality. Deming uses statistical predictions, basing his entire view of quality on the quality of the process, not the product whereas Crosby and Juran focus more on the customer. Crosby stresses on the conformance of the quality system to the needs of the customer. Juran goes even one stop further, and basis his entire definition of quality on the intended use of each product by the consumer. Another key point in which the men disagree is goal setting. Deming focuses his ideas mainly on long-term goals, where on the contrary, Crosby and Juran state that short-term goals are equally important. After extensively reading the works and ideas by there three experts, it is obvious to see why the have been so successful. Quality is a very important part of the industrial as well as the consumer world, and the need for quality improvement increases everyday.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Legal, Safety, and Regulatory Requirements Essay

Abstract The workplace can be a very dynamic place; there are so many different people with all kinds of personalities. Because there are so many different personalities, there are different needs of safety which can create obstacles in the organization. This is where the Human Resource Department comes into play, they make sure that the needs of all employees are met and that they are working in a safe environment. Litigation has taken the place of common sense and compassion within organizations over the past years. Litigation has become a main priority and the Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and also the Department of Homeland Security all have been regulating this. Although some may disagree that litigation has created a more structured work environment, there are a lot that would say it has. Litigation has balanced out the differences in the workplace. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission There once was a time when common sense and compassion were used to decide what to do with issues, but now that there are laws put in place to ensure that legal, safety, and regulatory requirements are obeyed there are less issues. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is one of those regulations. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces federal laws which make it illegal for any organization to discriminate against someone applying for the position or someone who is already an employee for reasons like their race, gender, color of skin, age, disability, or religion. (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2011) This also ensures that a person who is claiming that they were discriminated against is not discriminated for that. These laws are applied to any type of work situations, like harassments, wages/benefits, hiring/firing, promotions, or any type of training. If a company discriminates based on any of these assumptions they will be investigated and possibly prosecuted if found guilty. (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2011) Department of Labor Department of Labor is another one that focuses on employee-related regulations. The Department of Labor  enforces well over 180 laws; these laws regulate many activities that go on in the work environment. The Fair Labor Standards Act is one of these laws and it ensures that employees that are working overtime are paid fairly. (United States Department of Labor, 2011) Another federal law that the Department of Labor regulates is the Occupational Safety and Health Act which ensures that private industries are regulated on a regular basis and they must be approved by the Occupational Safety and Health Act state programs. This is only two acts that ensure litigation for the Department of Labor, but there are many more. (United States Department of Labor, 2011) American with Disabilities Act Another law that was passed to regulate legal and safety requirements was the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. This law was passed by congress to ensure that nobody with a disability regardless of what kind of disability it may be cannot be discriminated against simply for that reason. The disability has to be further evaluated before any decisions are made. (U.S. Department of Justice, 2011) If the applicant has a disability such as abuse form a substance or their vision is impaired, but can be corrected with prescribed lenses than they cannot be discriminated against. In 2008 former President George W. Bush passed the American Disability Act of 2008 which made the protection of disabled workers a little broader. (U.S. Department of Justice, 2011) U.S. Department of Homeland Security The U.S. Department of Homeland Security regulates our nation and makes sure that all threats are taken seriously and handled properly. They have a goal which entails that the federal agency must make sure that environmental justice is a top priority. (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2011) Conclusion I personally feel that all of these laws are set in place to ensure that all work related issues are handled without any favor. Before any of these laws it was he said she said, there was a lot of discrimination against people, so most of the time decisions were not made fairly. Human Resources have to regulate all of these laws, they deal with all of the issues in an organization and they handle them all based on federal laws. All problems  are evaluated and decided based on litigation, not by common sense or compassion because one person’s view on common sense or compassion may not be fair or just. References: United States Department of Labor, (2011). Rulemaking and Regulations. Retrieved February 14, 2012 from U.S. Department of Homeland Security, (2011). About. Retrieved February 14, 2012 from U.S. Department of Justice, (2011). ADA Regulations and Technical Assistance Materials. Retrieved February 15, 2012 from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (2011). Overview. Retrieved February 14, 2012 from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Red Bull

Could It position the product in other ways? The product of red bull was set-up to market within energy drinks, the notions of market segmentation, targeting and positioning are key to the success of firms' marketing efforts has concentrated on building relationship based on partnerships with sporting events and Iconic athletes . The target customers are around athletes , teenagers, students, drivers, clubbers, young business people and farmers.The marketing strategies can position the red bull in other ways, it was sponsored extreme sports events before, such as traditional television marketing program, radio r pop stars advertising, event marketing in sports and competition, organized public lecture, sent the sample to the sports company with free cases of its energy drink and encouraged them to throw a party. We also have lots of promotion to popularize; this can be changed values and needs of each target consumer.The lovely packages can be attracted the female customers. Besides, it can be promoted some limited edition of packages for different cities. Such as, it can be found celebrity endorsement and designed the packages with the photos of celebrities which can increase the sales. Red Bull can be created a new line which has extra caffeine. The new products can provide people more powerful than the original version and the cans can be increased the capacity from mall to mall with the same price. This new version of extra caffeine can be promoted to the long-time workers.Red Bull improves performance, especially during times of increased stress or strain, increases concentration and improves reaction speed and stimulates metabolism. Also, Red Bull can be created a new flavor which is cocktail favor and can be used as a very nice mixer with alcohol. It is very convenient for the people who love going to party or clubbing. Red Bull can be created a new product which not only for energy drinks. It could be a food like a power bar or candy. They can use a â⠂¬Å"Word of mouth† strategy. Red Bull Q1. How will you characterize Red Bull's overall global marketing strategy? Red Bull has built an image as a trendy energy drink, catering to young adults and young professionals between the age groups of (16-29) years. It also targets young club-goers and private parties in order to spread its picture as a stylish drink. It also believes that it is not just selling a beverage, but instead it is selling a ‘way of life’. Red Bull also uses a catchy slogan as ‘Red Bull gives you wings’. These non –traditional marketing strategies of Red Bull are not unique to any market. The term ‘Glocal’ means to market globally, yet tailor the ‘message’ to appeal to local tastes. Red Bull does not follow a Glocal Marketing Strategy, as it does not alter the marketing techniques to any particular country. In all the markets, they cater to the same crowd and use the same pricing, distribution and advertising methods. Red Bull only offers its product in one size (250ml) cans, and design all over the world. Businesses that use global marketing embark on the same product, same marketing techniques and even the same brand names and packaging in all markets. Red Bull believes in marketing its product with one brand image all over the world. Hence, I can characterize Red Bull’s overall marketing strategy as ‘Global’. In addition, Red Bull does not use local marketing strategies as they do not conform to local considerations. Example Red Bull offers only two varieties in all the countries irrespective of the local demand or taste for a new variant. It also uses the same marketing campaigns of ‘buzz marketing' or word-of-mouth in all the countries, irrespective of the nature of market in a particular country. Q.2 Argue for the most relevant segmentation criteria to be used in the International Marketing Selection process. The International Market Selection Process is a very complex process of foreign market screening that considers many factors. For a product like Red Bull, the size and per capita income of its target market is the most important criteria used in International Market Selection. Red Bull’s target market is young adults and young professional (aged 16-22). If the number of people in this age – group form a small fragment of the country’s overall population, then entering such a market would be risky and not profitable enough. Red Bull has built a brand image of a youthful energy drink and hence it can be successful only in markets that have a large number of young people. Red bull has dominated the energy market for a decade now. Its popularity and stylish design has allowed it to be charged at a premium price. Red Bull is a stylish and vibrant energy drink that is priced at least five times higher than the ordinary soft drink. Red Bull strongly believes that it offers its consumers something more than a beverage; it believes that it offers them a ‘way of life.’ It provides its consumers with energy and related brainpower to make the most of their time. Due to all of the above reasons, Red Bull can afford to price itself at such a high price. Therefore, it is important that Red Bull chooses those markets where the people have the financial capacity to purchase their product Q3. Which changes would you suggest for Red Bull's future global marketing mix, in order to meet the future challenges? After seeing the success that Red Bull has got in the energy drinks market, new brands are entering this market. Hence, it is essential for Red Bull to make certain changes in its marketing, production and distribution strategies. Red Bull offers only one product with two flavor varieties. The new age consumers want variety hence; Red Bull should launch a new flavor depending on local taste. Also, Red Bull currently offers only one packaging size, it can introduce 1 litre Red Bull bottles that will be beneficial for the Clubs owners in terms of Raw Material costs and Red Bull in terms of Manufacturing costs. Red Bull’s pricing strategy has been beneficial to the company however, they should lower their prices a little in order to gain more consumers in certain markets. The marketing strategies of Red Bull are highly global. They do not alter their strategies according to local considerations. In order to gain an edge in this competitive global market it is essential for Red Bull to start taking local demands and tastes into consideration. Red Bull’s distribution strategy targets small retailers and distributors that spread the brand name through word of mouth to local consumers. They also use college students to help distribute the product. One thing that they can do in order to improve their product placement is start Red Bull kiosks. This can also act as a marketing tool. Red Bull uses non- traditional and out of the promotion techniques. They spend 30% of their revenue on marketing and promotion. I believe that their unique marketing techniques have worked for them and they should continue with them even in the future. Q.4 Red Bull is available in large cities in India across super markets, restaurants and bars. Evaluate the opportunities for market expansion in India. Red Bull has already targeted the right market in India i.e. young adults and professionals. Hence, in order to expand in India Red Bull needs to find new ways of attracting this crowd. Red Bull is priced at a high rate, youngsters get a fixed budget every month and cannot afford to spend so much regularly on an energy drink. Hence, Red Bull should be made available in college cafeterias at subsidized rates. In addition, Red Bull should be made available at call centers and night offices as a more energetic substitute to coffee. Red Bull contains less amount of caffeine than the amount of caffeine in a coffee cup. This information can be used to promote Red Bull over coffee. India has a large number of cheaper substitutes of energy drinks, therefore in order to tap the huge market share of India it is advisable that Red Bull reduce its prices for the Indian Market. Another strategy that Red Bull can use to expand in the Indian Market is to carter to the larger number of truck drivers that India has. Red Bull originally cartered to provide energy to truck drivers. It can start following the same strategy in order to increase its consumer base in India. It can start by making Red Bull available at highway dhabbas, and shops. However, in order to carter to the truck drivers Red Bull would need to slash its prices, until that is done this strategy will not work. Thus by following the above mentioned ways Red Bull can build a stronger and larger consumer base in India. Red Bull Could It position the product in other ways? The product of red bull was set-up to market within energy drinks, the notions of market segmentation, targeting and positioning are key to the success of firms' marketing efforts has concentrated on building relationship based on partnerships with sporting events and Iconic athletes . The target customers are around athletes , teenagers, students, drivers, clubbers, young business people and farmers.The marketing strategies can position the red bull in other ways, it was sponsored extreme sports events before, such as traditional television marketing program, radio r pop stars advertising, event marketing in sports and competition, organized public lecture, sent the sample to the sports company with free cases of its energy drink and encouraged them to throw a party. We also have lots of promotion to popularize; this can be changed values and needs of each target consumer.The lovely packages can be attracted the female customers. Besides, it can be promoted some limited edition of packages for different cities. Such as, it can be found celebrity endorsement and designed the packages with the photos of celebrities which can increase the sales. Red Bull can be created a new line which has extra caffeine. The new products can provide people more powerful than the original version and the cans can be increased the capacity from mall to mall with the same price. This new version of extra caffeine can be promoted to the long-time workers.Red Bull improves performance, especially during times of increased stress or strain, increases concentration and improves reaction speed and stimulates metabolism. Also, Red Bull can be created a new flavor which is cocktail favor and can be used as a very nice mixer with alcohol. It is very convenient for the people who love going to party or clubbing. Red Bull can be created a new product which not only for energy drinks. It could be a food like a power bar or candy. They can use a â⠂¬Å"Word of mouth† strategy. Red Bull Q1. How will you characterize Red Bull's overall global marketing strategy? Red Bull has built an image as a trendy energy drink, catering to young adults and young professionals between the age groups of (16-29) years. It also targets young club-goers and private parties in order to spread its picture as a stylish drink. It also believes that it is not just selling a beverage, but instead it is selling a ‘way of life’. Red Bull also uses a catchy slogan as ‘Red Bull gives you wings’. These non –traditional marketing strategies of Red Bull are not unique to any market. The term ‘Glocal’ means to market globally, yet tailor the ‘message’ to appeal to local tastes. Red Bull does not follow a Glocal Marketing Strategy, as it does not alter the marketing techniques to any particular country. In all the markets, they cater to the same crowd and use the same pricing, distribution and advertising methods. Red Bull only offers its product in one size (250ml) cans, and design all over the world. Businesses that use global marketing embark on the same product, same marketing techniques and even the same brand names and packaging in all markets. Red Bull believes in marketing its product with one brand image all over the world. Hence, I can characterize Red Bull’s overall marketing strategy as ‘Global’. In addition, Red Bull does not use local marketing strategies as they do not conform to local considerations. Example Red Bull offers only two varieties in all the countries irrespective of the local demand or taste for a new variant. It also uses the same marketing campaigns of ‘buzz marketing' or word-of-mouth in all the countries, irrespective of the nature of market in a particular country. Q.2 Argue for the most relevant segmentation criteria to be used in the International Marketing Selection process. The International Market Selection Process is a very complex process of foreign market screening that considers many factors. For a product like Red Bull, the size and per capita income of its target market is the most important criteria used in International Market Selection. Red Bull’s target market is young adults and young professional (aged 16-22). If the number of people in this age – group form a small fragment of the country’s overall population, then entering such a market would be risky and not profitable enough. Red Bull has built a brand image of a youthful energy drink and hence it can be successful only in markets that have a large number of young people. Red bull has dominated the energy market for a decade now. Its popularity and stylish design has allowed it to be charged at a premium price. Red Bull is a stylish and vibrant energy drink that is priced at least five times higher than the ordinary soft drink. Red Bull strongly believes that it offers its consumers something more than a beverage; it believes that it offers them a ‘way of life.’ It provides its consumers with energy and related brainpower to make the most of their time. Due to all of the above reasons, Red Bull can afford to price itself at such a high price. Therefore, it is important that Red Bull chooses those markets where the people have the financial capacity to purchase their product Q3. Which changes would you suggest for Red Bull's future global marketing mix, in order to meet the future challenges? After seeing the success that Red Bull has got in the energy drinks market, new brands are entering this market. Hence, it is essential for Red Bull to make certain changes in its marketing, production and distribution strategies. Red Bull offers only one product with two flavor varieties. The new age consumers want variety hence; Red Bull should launch a new flavor depending on local taste. Also, Red Bull currently offers only one packaging size, it can introduce 1 litre Red Bull bottles that will be beneficial for the Clubs owners in terms of Raw Material costs and Red Bull in terms of Manufacturing costs. Red Bull’s pricing strategy has been beneficial to the company however, they should lower their prices a little in order to gain more consumers in certain markets. The marketing strategies of Red Bull are highly global. They do not alter their strategies according to local considerations. In order to gain an edge in this competitive global market it is essential for Red Bull to start taking local demands and tastes into consideration. Red Bull’s distribution strategy targets small retailers and distributors that spread the brand name through word of mouth to local consumers. They also use college students to help distribute the product. One thing that they can do in order to improve their product placement is start Red Bull kiosks. This can also act as a marketing tool. Red Bull uses non- traditional and out of the promotion techniques. They spend 30% of their revenue on marketing and promotion. I believe that their unique marketing techniques have worked for them and they should continue with them even in the future. Q.4 Red Bull is available in large cities in India across super markets, restaurants and bars. Evaluate the opportunities for market expansion in India. Red Bull has already targeted the right market in India i.e. young adults and professionals. Hence, in order to expand in India Red Bull needs to find new ways of attracting this crowd. Red Bull is priced at a high rate, youngsters get a fixed budget every month and cannot afford to spend so much regularly on an energy drink. Hence, Red Bull should be made available in college cafeterias at subsidized rates. In addition, Red Bull should be made available at call centers and night offices as a more energetic substitute to coffee. Red Bull contains less amount of caffeine than the amount of caffeine in a coffee cup. This information can be used to promote Red Bull over coffee. India has a large number of cheaper substitutes of energy drinks, therefore in order to tap the huge market share of India it is advisable that Red Bull reduce its prices for the Indian Market. Another strategy that Red Bull can use to expand in the Indian Market is to carter to the larger number of truck drivers that India has. Red Bull originally cartered to provide energy to truck drivers. It can start following the same strategy in order to increase its consumer base in India. It can start by making Red Bull available at highway dhabbas, and shops. However, in order to carter to the truck drivers Red Bull would need to slash its prices, until that is done this strategy will not work. Thus by following the above mentioned ways Red Bull can build a stronger and larger consumer base in India. Red Bull Target market Red Bull was one of the first Energy Drink. It gave energy to people who want to be physically and mentally fit from 1982. As the company reported, in 2011 red bull had sold 4. 631 billion cans over the world with 11. 4 per cent increase of 2011. In selling, profits and productivity the data illustrated were the highest one of the company. (www. redbull. com) Moreover, as figure1 illustrated, Red Bull is the most popular energy drink brand all over the world from 2006 to 2012. Clearly target market is one of the most significant reasons for the Red Bull’s success.As the company’s slogan says, â€Å"Red Bull gives you wings†. Red Bull gave wings from the beginning and spread its wings quickly over the world. Until 2011, Red Bull was available in 164 countries. (www. redbull. com) Therefore, it is not necessary for Red Bull to set segmentations by geographic or geodemograhic. Besides, Red Bull is improved for people to create a clearly mind, dynamic p erformance and an active lifestyle. In other words, Red Bull helps people to be active physically and psychologically and have a zest life.Therefore it is also not useful for Red Bull to set segmentation by profile or psychographic. Red Bull is a drink to supply energy and increase endurance which could struggle for the physical or mental tired. It helps people to meet the challenges of everyday life such as work, drive, study and sports. (www. redbull. com) According to the text book, the definition of behavioural segmentation is the segmentation which slices consumers on the basis of how they act towards, feel about or use a product. Solomon, et al,2009) Consequently, the best way for Red Bull to set the target market is behavioral segmentation. Red Bull becomes increasingly important in people’s lives when they are working, studying, doing sports and driving. Workers and students are the most significant parts of Red Bull’s target market. Red Bull can make students and workers’ mind clearly. For students all over the world the Red Bull is as important as the pencils and paper. It makes students concentrate and perform well. And it provides students enough energy to the leisure time as well.It is essential for someone who works hard and pursues better performance. Sport is Red Bull’s main point. Red Bull supports about 500 professional athletes over the world. It makes sportsman physically and mentally fit. Red Bull provides the athletes a convenient way to improve their endurance, concentration and speed. (www. redbull. com) Drivers are the other large parts of the target market. According to the research from psychopharmacologist Dr. Joris Verster and his colleagues of Utrecht University, Red Bull can reduce driver sleepiness and improve driving performance. Joris Verster, 2010) | Red Bull enhances concentration, reaction speed and vigilance. Red Bull also focuses on the customer who plays video games, goes out day and night. In short, the target market of Red Bull is the customer who needs more energy physically and mentally. Figure1: Top Selling Energy Drink Brands 2006-2012 (Bevnet, 2012) Reference: Bevnet, 2012, Top Selling Energy Drink Brands 2006-2012, http://www. energyfiend. com/the-15-top-energy-drink-brands marketing management†¦. Red Bull, , www. redbull. com Joris Verster, SAFE DRIVING STUDY, access at Springerlink. com. Red Bull Could It position the product in other ways? The product of red bull was set-up to market within energy drinks, the notions of market segmentation, targeting and positioning are key to the success of firms' marketing efforts has concentrated on building relationship based on partnerships with sporting events and Iconic athletes . The target customers are around athletes , teenagers, students, drivers, clubbers, young business people and farmers.The marketing strategies can position the red bull in other ways, it was sponsored extreme sports events before, such as traditional television marketing program, radio r pop stars advertising, event marketing in sports and competition, organized public lecture, sent the sample to the sports company with free cases of its energy drink and encouraged them to throw a party. We also have lots of promotion to popularize; this can be changed values and needs of each target consumer.The lovely packages can be attracted the female customers. Besides, it can be promoted some limited edition of packages for different cities. Such as, it can be found celebrity endorsement and designed the packages with the photos of celebrities which can increase the sales. Red Bull can be created a new line which has extra caffeine. The new products can provide people more powerful than the original version and the cans can be increased the capacity from mall to mall with the same price. This new version of extra caffeine can be promoted to the long-time workers.Red Bull improves performance, especially during times of increased stress or strain, increases concentration and improves reaction speed and stimulates metabolism. Also, Red Bull can be created a new flavor which is cocktail favor and can be used as a very nice mixer with alcohol. It is very convenient for the people who love going to party or clubbing. Red Bull can be created a new product which not only for energy drinks. It could be a food like a power bar or candy. They can use a â⠂¬Å"Word of mouth† strategy.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Debt and Factoring Essay

Nowadays, every business needs finance. But at the same time, bad debt has become a stinging problem for the creditors. Many companies are faced with the high credit risk, so obtaining it can be one of the most difficult parts of running your business. So what is the solution for this problem? You can see, there are so many types of business finance, including: bank loans, credit cards, leasing, even outsides investors, family and friend loans†¦ But in my opinion, one of the quickest forms of low cost business finance is factoring, where you can get up to 85% of the value of your invoice immediately, and the remainder (minus the factoring company’s fee) after the money is collected. kFactoring is one of the best ways to get quick finance, improving your cashflow and allowing you to make the most of your sales without risking late payment. What is factoring? You can image that just be simple to sell your invoice to a factoring company. You can get cash quickly, have a chance to access immediate funds, without having to wait for the customer to pay the invoice. You also don’t have to collect the debt. Because you transfer the mission to the factoring company. They get debt and have to collect it. Of course, you lose some of the value of the invoice. And the difference between the price it paid for the invoice and the money from the debtor is the factor’s overall profit. They can provide money either with recourse or without recourse. This is particularly beneficial to those of you who are in a growth period and committing more working capital to customer creditdebtors. There are three basically parties involved in factoring transaction. First, the seller of goods. Second, the buyer of goods. And lastly, the factor or factoring company. Three parties interact each other during the purchase of goods. And what about the history of factoring? In fact, it started centuries ago. It was used in England before 1400. It appears to be closely related to early merchant banking activities. As time rolled on, factoring underwent several changes. The changes are brought about by technology, the organization of companies particularly air travel and non-face to face communications technologies starting with the telegraph, followed by the telephone and then computers†¦. The changes in the legal structures also influenced the changes in factoring rules. But in general, the purpose of it is as the same. Factoring is becoming popular tool to solve problems relating collection, delays recievables. So what are the advantages of factoring over other types of finance? Time Saving – With factoring, you don’t waste too much time to chase debts, administer sales ledger. Instead that you can concentrate on the other major areas of your business and improve your efficiency. You can use this money to invest in stock, real estate†¦ Cost – Naturally, one of the key considerations when thinking about factoring solutions is the amount it will cost. Obviously it will mean that profit margins are reduced when the factor’s service fee is taken into account. However, factoring your invoices is still cheaper than using credit cards, overdrafts or many other forms of finance. Factoring also gives you set fees, whereas credit cards and overdrafts costs can build up if you keep using them and not paying them off in full. Speed – Factoring allow you to capitalise on your invoices with a minimum of delay. You can get up to 85% of the invoice within 24 hours, helping to maintain a good working cashflow rather than requiring you to wait 30/60 days for a customer to pay (If they pay on time! . This is particularly useful if you get a large order that requires you to spend on stock and production costs before you get paid; factoring allows you to accept the order with much less risk to your cashflow. Security – Factoring does not require you to use your home or business assets as security for the finance, as the money is secured on the sales you have already made. Bear in mind though that some factoring companies will not want to fac tor risky invoices; as they carry the risk rather than you. Suitable for Businesses of All Sizes- One big advantage of factoring is that it is potentially suitable for businesses of all sizes; especially now there are invoice finance firms that are targeted at small businesses and their needs. The above listed advantage do not mean that the factoring operation are totally free from any limitation. Some of main limitations of such transaction are listed below: Reputation – Some less reputable invoice finance companies can damage your customer relations by being too aggressive in collecting factored invoices. However, you can avoid this problem by choosing a well known and reputable firm. Control – Factoring reduces the control you have over your debts, as the invoice finance company collects them for you. However, this also means less work on your part. factoring can have a negative impact on the way a business operates. * The factor usually takes over the maintenance of the sales ledger. Customers may prefer to deal with the company it is trading with rather than a factor. However, if the factor’s techniques are clearly agreed beforehand, there will usually be no problem. * Factoring may impose constraints on the way to do business. For non-recourse factoring, most factors will want to pre-approve customers, which may cause delays. The factor will apply credit limits to individual customers (though these should be no lower than prudent credit control would suggest). * The client company might only want the finance arrangements and yet it might feel it is paying for collection services they do not really need. * Ending a factoring arrangement can be difficult where the only exit route is to repurchase the sales ledger or to switch factors and that could cause a sudden shortfall in your working capital.