Friday, September 6, 2019

Intergrated Project Deliver at Autodesk, Inc. Essay Example for Free

Intergrated Project Deliver at Autodesk, Inc. Essay When working at any company or organization, communication is the key issue in starting up a project. Whenever you being a project, the first step would how to communicate with the team member you will be working with. Bernstein and his team have completed an important project within the budget, timeline, and scope. In this paper, I will discuss the vision statement, and briefly discuss the following: * Generated for the project scope. * Examine how Phil Bernstein foster high levels of performance for the project * Illustrates the unsuccessful tactics to inspire the team to greater heights * Create my own approach to managing this project. Phil Bernstein is the project leader for IPD, and the construction project at AEC headquarters. Bernstein and his team shall develop, and implementing a shared vision that will help motivate, and inspire the team to work hard to make the project a success. The vision needs to include AEC’s communication for the workplace to demonstrating the importance of creativity and innovation. When starting the vision statement it should be simple, and expresses the aspirations and goals of a company or organization. When developing a vision statement this gives the members of the organization or project team the chance to come together to look at areas of expertise, and decide on the future of the project. The project is to use the Autodesk Inc. that produces software for architecture, engineering, and construction, to create a non-traditional office building using 3D technology. The project is to use the conduction of the new headquarters as an opportunity for its Solutions Division to combine the latest software capabilities into building information modeling with an emerging paradigm called integrated project delivery (Edmondson Rashid, 2009). The project will use the  IPD method to foster communication among all stakeholders during the early stages of the project. To foster higher levels of performance, Bernstein will ensure the project design qualities stayed supported with the project goals and budget constraints. This particular project is critical that no team member lag behind in providing the desired output. In the case study, it was demonstrated when the project management team has to make the choice to terminate a vendor who was working on the Customer Briefing Center ceiling. The vendor was initially hired because of the building information model capabilities and experience working on the bench mark projects. The team later learned that the vendor would not be able to build nor install the ceiling within the budget that was given for that portion of the project. The team came together and decided the issue and came to a conclusion to relieve the vendor of his duties. The team decided to hire another vendor to perform the duties. The vendor that the team hired lacked the technical skills that the previous one attained, but the new vendor would be able to deliver the project on time and within the budget. Being able to deliver on time and within budget is the ideal for majority of project done. Another example of fostering higher level performance is when the team members are able to communicate and set goals to meet the objectives of integrated project delivery. The managers should empower other team members with decision making responsibilities. It is not noted throughout the case that there are critical decision that must be made. The executives should feel confident that they hired the right people to make decisions and not be afraid to take the necessary risk to ensure the project stays on track. To ensure that integrated project delivery works effectively the project implementation team must have the right mind set. Illustrate his unsuccessful tactics to inspire the team to greater heights Bernstein illustrated unsuccessful tactics when there appeared to be trouble with the contingency. Bernstein decided that for all future projects he will not include any savings from the contingency as part of the compensation structure. According to the case study, it appeared that contingency was a bad idea, because it is not in sync with the integrated project delivery (Harvard Business School, p.70). Integrated project delivery is emerging as the way to organize project teams to achieve a lean construction at a time when the industry is searching for ways to eliminate  waste, cut costs, improve productivity, and create positive outcomes (Carbasho, 2008). The reason Bernstein wants to use this practice, because it generally fosters collaboration amongst the team by integrating all the stakeholders regardless of the levels. Bernstein understands that developing rapport early in the project will enhance the outcome. Bernstein also recognized that there was a problem with the contingency idea because the team wanted to ensure that if the project saved money they wanted to include it in the contingency compensation. The team wanted to include the money in the compensation package because at the end of the project the money can potentially be used as incentives, and could be divided among the team player. Bernstein decided that maintaining contingency within the compensation package was not worth the trouble, some members agreed with Bernstein while other believed if the scope of the contract was defined more accurately the contingency issue may not be problematic. Bernstein decision to keep the two funds separate created some conflict among the team. This type of decision and tension of maintaining a separate contingency was not favorable with the integrated project delivery approach to foster, nor promote open sharing of information. One member believed that having the members of the team mutually accountable is worth a whole lot more than the cost of sharing a few dollars (Edmondson Rashid, 2009). The approach that would be used to manage this project would be similar to the current approach. The integrated project delivery method would appear to be the most logical and cost effective. The idea of integrating all stakeholders at one time does not appear to be anything new that project managers have not used previously. Although there were barriers along the way, this approach seemed to work. The project finished on time and was recognized for its efforts by the American Institute of Architects (Edmondson Rashid, 2009). As a project manager the first collaboration and task amongst the team members would be to establish a vision statement, which involves creating a view of the desired results of your projects, which is normally shared by all stakeholders. Without a vision it would be difficult to continue on with the project of this size. The integrated approach focuses on what is commonly known as the core group of the project such as: the owner, contractor and architect/designer this type of approach can be applied well beyond three main stakeholders aforementioned. The use of the  major stakeholders is a reasonable approach however this approach will also include other important team members who will be as important to ensure the project’s success. By continuing to use the IPD approach shall allow the owners to openly share the project information. It will also streamline the project communication which allows them to effectively balance the project options to meet their business enterprise goals. By using the integrated delivery approach it will strengthen the project teams, and understanding the owner’s desired outcome. The IPD approach will include the contractors, one of the core members that will allow them to contribute their expertise in construction techniques early in the design process resulting in improving project quality and financial performance during the construction phrase. By using the contractors during the designing phase will help with pre-construction planning and understanding the design. As a project manager, one would realize that understanding the design is crucial for this project, because if something goes wrong it could be very costly. Using the architectures or designers as part of the process is another one of those early benefits such as accurate budget estimates to make informed design decision and the pre-construction resolution of design related issues resulting in improved quality and financial performance. They usually bring some of the same qualities as the contractor but from a different perspective. The IPD approach is the desired method that should be used because it’s known to be built on trust and early involvement by more parties. As we all have learned throughout this course, developing trust among the team members encourage people to focus on project outcomes versus individual goals. The project lifecycle will be included with the IPD approach as part of the standard procedures. Reference Carbasho, T. (2008). Integrated Project Delivery Improves Efficiency streamlines construction. Retrieved from htt:// Edmondson, A.C. Rashid, F.(2009) Integrated Project Delivery at Autodesk, Inc. Boston: Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing. Lewis, J. (2003). Project leadership: Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill

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