Friday, September 27, 2019

Specific Teaching Methods - Reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Specific Teaching Methods - Reading - Essay Example Partner reading may involve utilizing one peer of a higher ability grouping than another. However, the students can be of the same reading level and still obtain great benefit to this reading strategy. The quality of the feedback given through partner reading provides the students with the opportunity to improve the quality of their reading. Not only do students get the chance to practice reading aloud, they also get the added benefit of listening to the reading of another individual. Therefore, if the partner is of a higher ability then the less fluent reader would have a model from which to follow. The student with less ability then can critique the higher ability student and state where improvement is needed based on a given fluent reading criteria. A third strategy to build reading fluency in students is sustained silent reading (SSR). Sustained silent reading (SSR) refers to the reading of material for an uninterrupted period of time without reading aloud. Thus, one is required to read in one’s mind. The teacher may establish a specific time during the school day for all students and teacher to participate in this activity. Researchers have concluded that SSR with guidance and feedback assists students in reading fluently and consequently in their comprehension skills. SSR allows the student to obtain practice in reading material that is appropriate for the student’s reading level thereby improving the confidence and desire for the student to read. Another strategy that boosts students’ confidence is the reader’s theatre. For the reader’s theatre understanding of the text rather than simply recall of the words is important. Advocates of this strategy assert that students should be given a copy of the text. The teacher should read the text aloud then allow students to read the material several times through echo reading or choral reading. Finally, the teacher

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